Over the past few days something has changed in my house. No longer is it me chasing a running toddler if we are trying to leave the house, wrestling him into a wrap. Now if I take a minute to get dressed in the morning behind a closed door I hear, "back back mommy, back back." Now it is him chasing me down.
Miles has for a while now been very interested in carrying things on his back, anything from his little baby, to a fraggle or even his little cousin Elias (which tends to be a disaster). So Jesse and I are getting quite good at strapping his "baby" on to him. But truly I never thought I would see the day with my super independent boy. Yes he would gladly be wrapped and would love being up there, but never would he ask or think of it out of the blue.
So for now I will revel in these perfect moments, because I am sure they won't last long.
Enjoy that phase! It's amazing!