Sunday 28 April 2013

Farideh Wraps: Review

My sister and I have had the privilege of trying out our friend Megan's custom wrap by Farideh over the past few weeks. With new weavers or companies it  is alway a plus to get other peoples' opinions on the wrapping qualities of a wrap, so you know what you are getting into before you take the plunge and purchase.

With this wrap there are a few special circumstances. This wrap is handwoven, so in turn that means it isn't a readily available wrap that you can just purchase. As of now the custom list is closed, but they will come up again and there are, what they call "sister wraps" that come available. A "sister" is a wrap from the warp of another person's custom. These are handled through a few people so availability isn't open to the general public at the moment. So if you are afraid of reading this, falling in love and wanting one, you might want to stop now; or if you are like me and want to know what you are missing read on. 

Jamie's Review:

First off I want to talk about the mechanics of the wrap. Farideh has used a plain weave for this 4.5 m long 27 inch wide custom, she has used other weaving techniques in other wraps but this one is pretty straightforward. She has used all cotton for this one, but again there is a wide variety of fibres available to you, in this particular wrap she uses 8/2 cotton. She has used Maurice Brassard thread, and if you want to check out all the options of colours/fibres and really geek out, here you go:

As for beauty the photos really show what words can't describe, it is stunning. The colour gradation flows smoothly throughout the wrap and the choices Megan made I find super appealing. I must note a few things with the weaving that took me by surprise though. There are a few skipped threads throughout the wrap.

These photos also give an awesome detail of the weave
And the raw selvage edges are less than perfect. I must note that this may be because this is Farideh's very first custom and having impeccable edges may come with time. 
This shows the airiness of the weave really well too

also would like to stress that these are all cosmetic things, and in no way affect the integrity of the wrap in any way. Also just spoke with Megan and from her conversations with Farideh the selvage issue is being address now. 

As for wrapping, I have LOVED wrapping with this custom. I primarily wrap with shorter wraps, but it was easy to make an exception for this one. It is light in hand but I would not call it a thin wrap, I would call it an airy weave. When wrapping it does have some grip, so it doesn't glide into passes, but it isn't an arduous task either. But that grip is incredible once wrapped, there is no need to double knot when you tie off, the wrap stays put. Once wrapped it is utterly weightless, truly amazing.

I thought I would give it a really tough final exam, today was the 10km run/walk in our city, and this wrap was going to make a showing. I wrapped my 22 lbs son up in a Double Hammock and set off to walk (I don't run) the 10km with my family and friend. The walk took just over 2 hours, with a short dance party to one of the bands on the side lines, while my mom went to the washroom. Dance party and all, I had to do no adjusting, no retying, not even knot tightening. While the people on the side lines cheered us on my son jumped and jumped and jumped, something that would have popped even the best seat. At the end of the race, not one thing hurt on my body except for my feet, because I have no suitable shoes. My shoulders would have felt the same even if I had no baby on my back, I have never felt this kind of comfort in a wrap after wearing it for so long. 

Apparently we were both offended by something in this photo

5km in not feeling a thing
The only issue I have with this wrap, is that I don't have the funds to afford it. It is totally worth the investment.

Rhianna's Review:
I used this wrap for a couple of short trips and one long stroll and nap (3ish hours). I won't lie, I was hoping to hate it. Here's what I told myself, the price is high, the rails appear lacking (Jamie has touched on this sufficiently), it feels a bit textured or grippy for my taste - this is going to be the worst.
Sad news for a person on the wrap buying wagon - it is THE best. I can't compare to the famed uppy as I've always been to chicken to try one. But I have tried lots of wraps and this is amazing.

The wrap is thinner in hand, but sturdy and dense. Its soft and easy to tighten. I'm a comparatively lazy wrapper and this wrap was so easy to manipulate I actually followed through with getting all of the slack out. The wrap glides smoothly over itself but has enough texture that a double knot is really unnecessary (though for safety reasons I'll let you decide that yourself). After a walk/nap I came home with my son wrapped and still sleeping, I untied my knot, and undid the cross passes in FWCC and the wrap didn't move a mm for the rest of his nap. It really just stays put.

After being untied for an entire nap
The wrap is beautiful, easy to use and really comfortable. Essentially, I wish I never tried it. Because it has two downfalls; that I'd have to sell a few wraps to afford it and that even if I could afford it I wouldn't be able to buy one anytime soon.


  1. Hi, thank you for the review. I'm new to wrapping and am wondering why this plain woven wrap is so awesome as I thought all woven wraps need to be diagonally woven.

    1. Woven wraps can be any weave, it is knitted wraps (ie jersey material) you need to steer away from for back wrapping. There are a number of handwoven manufactures that use other weaving techniques, but this and other plain weaves when woven by a skilled weaver creates and airy cushy wrap, while still being supportive.
