Friday 1 February 2013

Who We Are

Photo Credit: Kristy Westendorp Photography

So as most people have experienced, there are a few things in life that become addictive, so much so that it will consume your life and you'll end up having to make a blog about it. For my sister and I that happened with the birth of our children (7 months apart). That is when we discovered babywearing, specifically woven wraps. Really it takes up the majority of the time that we are not parenting our children and actually a lot of our parenting time. So we decided to document this obsession and really cherish those close moments we have with our sons.

About Me

Wrap: Didymos Orient 
My name is Jamie and I have taken on the majority of the upkeep of this blog, so that entitles me for top billing here, haha. I first really learned about babywearing in a prenatal class while I was pregnant with my son, Miles. The instructor brought out a vast array of carriers that offered different features for the parent and child, it was a lot to take in at once. I ended up with a Baby Bjorn and a Ring Sling, but I must say neither worked for me. The Bjorn was so hard on my back and I just couldn't get the hang of the Ring Sling. My babywearing career was saved by my husband's Aunt who passed down a used stretchy wrap. It was a dream for a small infant.
But this was the spark that started the fire, I was intent on finding the most comfortable carrier. So I then went from the stretchy to an Ergo, then to a Mei Tai and then finally landed on woven wraps when my son was 9 months old. And I could not be happier, wraps make my 20 pound toddler virtually weightless, plus they come in so many beautiful patterns and colours. So no more drab babywearing for me.
*disclaimer* (If you are lost, our next post will be a breakdown of the different types of carriers out there to choose from)
I have since amassed a collection of 8 woven wraps, with 2 more that have peaked my interest (I did mention it was an addiction). But this collection is not one that just sits on the shelf, it lightens my parenting load, while also providing me with the closeness that means so much to my son and I.
My goal for this blog is to try and get the information out there about different types of babywearing, so more people know the options available to them, and to show the versatility of these pieces of cloth.

About my Sister

Wrap:   Didymos Old Standard Aqua
My name is Rhianna. I am Jamie's older, wiser and much cuter sister. This was TOTALLY true until I became a mum, 7 months after Jamie. At that point she officially became wiser. When I couldn't get a latch and was crying about breastfeeding she saved the day. When I needed to cosleep but was too scared because of mainstream medical/media she had already done it and taught me how it could be done safely. And when my arms were KILLING me because my son was 9.4 pounds when he was born and just kept gaining weight QUICKLY she taught me how to use her stretchy wrap. And then taught me again. And again. She didn't let me quit even though I found it tricky. And then when my huge baby grew out of the stretchy, she lent me a woven and I was hooked! My 5 month old son still doesn't like to be put down, but thanks to woven wraps and babywearing I have enough freedom and mobility that I don't have to worry about the fact that I don't really like to put him down either. I wear him most of every day and it is truly one of my favourite things. On a more vain note, I also don't feel frumpy. When I wear my son in one of our beautiful wraps I feel better than I ever did in my favourite clothes pre-pregnancy. I have an ergo (that I haven't used in a while) and an evolving (or revolving) wrap count. Today I have 4. But tomorrow I miiiiiiiight have 7...oops!


  1. I think this is a wonderful blog and you two sisters look so happy with your boys in their wraps! Thanks for sharing!

  2. Thank you for this blog! I am just deciding to enter the woven wrap world after 10 months of Ergo use! I look forward to learning a thing or two from you :)

  3. I just found your blog via a babywearing group on FB. It is great to see mothers teaching other mothers!
